K-Shot Kratom Extract 15ml Box of 12

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  • All-natural ingredients
  • Kratom that is non-GMO
  • Kratom products with the best bioavailability
  • Kratom that is lab tested
  • Kratom cultivated with best farming practices
  • Kratom that is gluten-friendly
  • Kratom that is Kosher

Ingredients: mitragyna speciosa, natural and artificial stabilizing agents


Kratom has 2 key alkaloids that make Kratom famous. Mitragynine and 7 oh Mitragynine are these alkaloids. They are suspended in pure extract oil and added to the K-shot secret formula.

K-Shot is formulated from Green Maeng Da Kratom. The K-shot tincture is highly popular because of its pleasurable energy experience. K shot has become one of the most powerful and very convenient kratom products selling in today’s market. Experience all the benefits of kratom in a portable, take with you anywhere, shot. This product can be used at any time during the day or evening you feel like you need an extra boost.

Kratom is perfect any way you want to take it. Our customers love to mix our kratom shots with their favorite beverages or drink it plain for the quickest absorption into the body. Our K Shot is a great addition to our lineup of flavored kratom drinks. If you check out at any of our kratom reviews, people rave about how good they taste and we know you will all love our K Shot. Like all of our kratom products, the K Shot is keto-friendly.

Where Does Kratom Come From?

All kratom comes from the dried leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree, a species native to Southeast Asia and a relative to the coffee plant. It thrives in hot, humid climates making Southeast Asia the world’s top Kratom source. This botanical has been used by the native peoples in this region for centuries as a part of their holistic well-being, for lifting spirits, relaxing the body, and liberating the mind.

Only after reaching their peak of perfection, leaves are hand-picked by Kratom farmers with years of experience selecting only the best Kratom leaves. After specialized drying techniques, the leaves are crushed and made into the kratom products you can buy online today. NuWave Botanicals has built strong relationships with kratom cultivators and communities across Southeast Asia bringing you expertly grown, ethically sourced kratom products.

What exactly is Maeng Da Kratom?

“Maeng Da” isn’t a reference to a specific plant or strain, instead, it is used to refer to the highest strength of Kratom. Maeng Da roughly translates to “pimp strength,” which is likely a reference to its potency, only achieved by expertly blending multiple varieties of kratom strains.

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